Follow my unexpected cancer journey...the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Brodie update: He had it rough for a few weeks but has bounced back like a champ... Me:.......... Well, this time last year I obviously wanted to go back to work (for many reasons), got a teaching job....then several weeks after found out my cancer was back (or never really gone) and treatment didn't work. There goes that job (not happy). This year I finally physically felt better and have done all treatments (and then some) so I desperately wanted to get back to work.....again, for MANY reasons. Same situation, got a teaching job (which is far from easy being a teaching this time of year may I add), called social security to end my disability that we had started (which with Cobra, didn't even cover all my monthly bills) and was told there was a new rule put in place that if you return to work within a year of receiving disability you have to pay the entire amount back. This literally would mean I would have to pay back around $15,000 (but don't worry, he said he could put me on a payment plan....haaaaaaaa). He then told me my "year" would be done in February so I just couldn't make over X amount for February and then I wouldn't have to partake in the new rule (that no one may I add was notified of). After a mini break down and going thru ideas in my head how I could avoid this (because there is obviously no way I could ever pay that back), I contacted EISD HR which were beyond understanding and helpful and basically figured out a way to get around it...which entailed me getting sub pay for all days worked in February and then having to take a few days "off" so my gross total wouldn't be about the X amount. Ok, crisis averted thanks to admin and HR but then I was still confused and unsure of the whole ordeal and again talked to the SS worker. He then backtracked and said actually my "year" wouldn't be up till June (which made more sense because I was still working February of last year so shouldn't of been on disability). Great, all the help EISD had done for me was now useless and I've basically completely wasted the districts and schools time.....beyond embarrassing. So last year cancer hindered me from going back to work because I physically couldn't. Fast forward to this year I'm finally feeling good and I literally can't work because social security would rather pay me disability. If you can make any sense of that, please let me know. Not sure why the government would want to continue to pay you money versus you getting back to work. So my advice to anyone on disability due to whatever cause, cover all your bases before attempting to build a life back. Although, I would've never thought social security of all things would be one of my bases I had to cover. So, I am now having to apply to be a sub in several districts, go to orientation, then hopefully start subbing...but still making sure I don't make over X amount and I can go back "full-time" next school year. While all this fun is going on, I also had my first PET scan set for 3 months after CAR-T to see if it worked/helped etc. Literally the same day I found out I couldn't work is the same day I found out my PET scan results. So, my main mass did shrink in size, however is still there and active....and now there is a new spot showing up. Lovely. So my oncologist wants a CT scan to get more information on it. So there's that. Whats the new spot? No clue. How could I get a new spot when my other main mass shrunk? Ya, still no idea. The only other issue was my blood is still on the anemic side (which it has been since car-t) so I may have to have another blood transfusion if it still doesn't improve next bloodwork. It's been.....a week. Now I have the task of unloading my car back into storage of all the classroom things I had just spent days going thru boxes to find and use in my classroom. Guess they'll have to wait to see the light of day until August now.
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"You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you."