Follow my unexpected cancer journey...the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Well maybe it's not a vacation....and maybe it wasn't free.....and maybe it doesn't include anything fun or luxurious....BUT I am officially having a 6 day stay-cation at the hospital this week (M-Sat). At least it gets me out of the house?
So, since my chemo week fell on a holiday week (Labor Day) and my oncologists office is closed on holidays so I couldn't go in to do my chemo, I ended up with this oh so fun 6 day stay-cation. Basically, since I have to endure chemo 5 days a week, obviously starting on Mondays, I had to have a plan B to continue my chemo schedule without getting bumped a week. I didn't want to push my timeline back a week and go into January so this was the only option and health-wise also the best to stay on track. I'm sure you're wondering why I just couldn't do my Monday treatment in the hospital and finish the week in my drs office....ya I asked that! So to hopefully not be too confusing, when you do chemo in the hospital they are on no schedule or rush whatsoever. When I go to my treatment in my oncologists office, I have a set time, a set nurse, I know how long it's going to take etc. In the hospital it couldn't be more opposite. A perfect example, I was told to get to the hospital at 8:30am Monday to get admitted. I got here, they started all my paperwork and sent my orders in for my chemo bags to start getting ready. I literally didn't get my chemo bag to start in my IV until almost 6pm. Ya, it's ridiculous. So, since everything is delayed my Monday bag won't get done till 24 hours later, Tuesday around 6pm, so I wouldn't have time to be discharged then get to my Dr and start my Tuesday chemo etc. My bags run for 24 straight hours so I literally have to be in the same location the entire week or timing wise it just doesn't work out, unfortunately. So here I am.... I've decided to wear a different pair of fun or inappropriate socks each day I'm here....well, because why not?! I'm also starting to get to wear all the hats I've been sent so changing those out daily also! I do another post later this week with all my socks and hats! For now, I'm just attempting to not be bored and get some sleep since that hasn't been going very well...
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"You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you."